Generic Storm Water Systems

This project involved the design of six types of Generic Precon StormPrism Systems. The first design is the Single Module Closed Detention System that consists of a single StormPrism module and solid floor with a 7ft maximum ID height. The next design, the Single Module Open Infiltration System, consists of a single StormPrism module and padded flooring or floor with openings and a 7ft maximum ID height. Also used was the Stacked Medium Height Detention System that consists of stacked top and bottom StormPrism modules, has no floor opening and a 13.32ft maximum ID height. The Stacked Medium Height Infiltration System used a design of stacked top and bottom StormPrism modules with floor openings with a 13.32ft maximum ID height. Another one of the six designs used is the Stacked Maximum Height Detention System which used a design of stacked top and bottom StormPrism modules with no floor opening and a 15.32ft maximum  ID height. A sixth storm water system, the Stacked Medium Height Infiltration System, consists of stacked top and bottom StormPrism modules with floor openings and 15.32ft maximum ID height. All systems utilized end retaining wall units to enclose the parameter of the system. The structural design was per ACI 350 for HS20 live load, with fill height ranges from 3ft to 10ft.



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March 19, 2021